Ball Raids

Ball Raids

by C00lScratchGam3r

👁 3,765 ❤️ 109 ⭐ 95 🔄 6
Created: Nov 29, 2022 Last modified: Dec 27, 2024 Shared: Nov 29, 2022


DO NOT ADVERTISE! This rule includes all of my projects. DO NOT REMIX BY DOING DIRECT COPIES EITHER. This is very annoying, as most of the remixes here are just direct copies and it's quite bad. Older versions------------------------------------------------------ Ball Raids V1: Ball Raids V2: Notes----------------------------------------------------------------- I reccomend to play this game on fullscreen due to some text being too small to even be read. This project is my most popular one so far. We CAN reach 10,000 views, 250 hearts and 200 stars. I know that achievement is far from being done, but one day it will be reached. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME ON TURBO MODE. Just to know, when you play this game on turbo mode, you can't do anything. The enemy instantly reaches the wall once upon starting a new game, so there won't be a way to play the game. Announcements--------------------------------------------------- Sorry if I'm barely active on Scratch. It will probably take a long time to plan another Ball Raids remake to be done. I will put much more effort than before. Not only, there would be a second enemy in a single map, some different maps and stuff. There will be that but not only. There would also be MINIGAMES! 3 different minigames, including Projectile Dodge (which the original project will be deleted later), and there would also be Platformer mode and Battle mode! The further you get in these minigames, the better are the rewards. THIS is what would make the actual game to be a lot more fun to play, instead of a basic project. However, what I've stated may not be implemented because of my important lack of work in Scratch. I would still try finding some motivation to work more on the project and finally make the dream true. This may not also be implemented for another reason, which is: there can be some unfixable bugs while programming, or my programming skills not being high enough for such something this big. Hopefully, this will be implemented for the game anyways. Project rules (this includes every other project I've made)---------------------------------------------------------------- - Posting any link in the comments is not allowed (even for an attempt to get more views on your project) or else the comment gets deleted as soon as I notice. - Remixing without changing anything (direct copies) is not allowed. You MUST change something in the project before clicking the remix button. Credits--------------------------------------------------------------- This was made only by me, no help. Game released on November 29th, 2022. Recent update----------------------------------------------------- November 14, 2023: BALL RAIDS V3 IS NOW HERE! The game has been completly remade. I tried my best for the game to look better, and attract more people. Absolutely EVERYTHING has changed, even the art, even the LOGO! The UI got way cleaner than before, and I also welcome some new features: - It's not the E key anymore to shoot a projectile. It's either by clicking or tapping, because I wanted the game to become mobile-friendly. - Statistics: The statistics were added to avoid the UI to take over the screen. - New potion: Magic Potion! It makes projectiles to always follow an enemy for 5 minutes. But if I told you that the projectiles don't always follow the enemy anymore? Yes, the physics got improved. The projectiles aren't magical anymore. - Gems are purchased through a completly different way: Monthly Boosts and Daily Offers! It grants a pretty good offer every day and a HUGE boost every month! - The Missions tab got improved: - There is now 5 different missions, and all of them changed. - There is now a progress bar on the mission tab - The mission button now notifies you when you completed a missions, and they aren't automatically claimed anymore. - Addition of an inventory tab. Same purpose as the statistics, this was to avoid the UI to take over the screen... - The Language feature has been removed. I'm sorry French, Italian, Spanish and German speakers, it was still a great idea but it would take a very long, unpleasant and demotivating time to translate the whole game over 5 times. Ah, the pain... -------------------------------------------------------------------------


As of November 14, 2023, 5 PM CET, this game supports mobile controls. How the game works--------------------------------------------- - Once the game starts, an enemy comes into your base. - To defeat it, click or tap to shoot a projectile. - Once that projectile hit the enemy, it will lose HP. - If you defeat it, you will gain money. - The other enemy who will spawn will get more HP than the other one you've defeated before. - There is 4 different types of enemies. Normal enemies, Speedy enemies (yellow color with black eyes, they move very fast), Armored enemies (grey color, he loses less damage when hit by a projectile) and Wealthy enemies (happy looking eyes with rich hat, grants more money than usual when defeated). - You can purchase 8 upgrades in the main shop. There is also monthly boosts and daily offers.

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