My Singing Monsters: Earth Island

My Singing Monsters: Earth Island

by mysinginmonsters

👁 71,124 ❤️ 705 ⭐ 636 🔄 383
Created: Nov 10, 2022 Last modified: Nov 8, 2024 Shared: Dec 17, 2022


Pictures from the My Singing Monsters wiki page, and sounds from the game files. Project by @mysinginmonsters on Scratch. Feel free to use any sounds, scripts, or costumes from this project. Plant Island: Cold Island: Air Island: Water Island: More islands: Check the studio for updates!


[Works on Mobile] Click the breeding structure, then click two monsters. Wait for the monster you bred. Click on it once it has bred then wait for it in the nursery. Once it's done in the nursery, click on it and you have a new monster! Then you can start breeding all over again until you have them all. You need 3 monsters to unlock the Potbelly. You need 7 monsters to unlock the Tweedle. You need 18 monsters to unlock the Wubbox. You need 19 monsters to unlock the shop. For breeding and nursery, the timer needs to count up to 100 for it to be done. All monsters take the same time. Monsters will take half as long to incubate/breed after waking up the Wubbox. When you power up the Wubbox you can breed all your monsters back. The Wubbox will take all monsters except Noggin, Mammott, Hyehehe, Humbug, and Hoola. There is a 10% chance of getting a rare monster with a lower chance of getting an epic monster. If you breed or buy a monster while you already have that monster, it will replace the once you had but it could be a different type (rare, epic, etc.) Once the shop opens, you can select monsters to buy as eggs or placed directly onto the island. Some monsters may require you to wait a certain amount of time until they are fully activated on the island. You can hover or hold your finger over a monster to see how much time it has left.

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