500 Ways to Hurt Evil Scratch Cat Part 1 (Remix & Continue | 2 / 50 Ways)

500 Ways to Hurt Evil Scratch Cat Part 1 (Remix & Continue | 2 / 50 Ways)

by Twin138956Scratch

👁 292 ❤️ 6 ⭐ 6 🔄 4
Created: Oct 11, 2020 Last modified: Oct 11, 2020 Shared: Oct 11, 2020


Credits: @FutureBlack16, @FutureBlackX, and the rest of the FB accounts. Nintendo + jacknjellify All of the Owners of the Assets.


Original Version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/241251466 = = = = = Part 1 ends when we reach 50 ways. (48 left.) = = = = = RULES: 1. Do not add more than 3 ways. 2. Follow Community Guidelines 3. No bloods, jumpscares or anything that is unsafe for Scratch website. 4. NO LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT REMIX CHAINS 5. If you're about to remix, post a comment saying "Remixing!" to make sure nobody else is in process of remixing this project. 6. DON'T CHANGE THE RULES

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