☀Scratch Crossing☀ (Animal Crossing)

☀Scratch Crossing☀ (Animal Crossing)

by bman7200

👁 59,609 ❤️ 2,612 ⭐ 2,132 🔄 118
Created: Jan 10, 2015 Last modified: Feb 27, 2015 Shared: Jan 11, 2015


☀ @ipzy , here is the animal crossing game I made :D :3 ☀Sorry but furniture is now, not requestable because I am making a new AC game :D :P sorry again! ☀Furniture (CLOSED): =- @bman7200 (Dresser, Vase, TV, Bed) =- @kittycat11858 (Cat face, Cat bed, Cat TV) ~=#☀#=~ UPDATE LOG ~=#☀#=~ ☀January 11th, 2015 =-Added furniture (TV and bed by bman7200) ☀January 11th, 2015 =-Added game (Shining Star) ☀January 11th, 2015 =-RELEASED GAME :D !!! (With 2 Furniture and 1 Game)


MADE A WAY BETTER ONE (Airbun's Town) ☀Click to move around the map and click on stuff! ☀Click Nook's to get furniture and click the furniture label to close it ☀Click the arcade to choose a game and earn some more stars! ☀Click the blue house (Your house) and click edit in the top right, then click your furniture to move / sell it! ☀Have fun! ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ ☀Discontinued game, working on new better AC game

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