AI Tank Battles 2

AI Tank Battles 2

by gor-dee

👁 23,139 ❤️ 1,001 ⭐ 961 🔄 94
Created: May 13, 2017 Last modified: Jun 16, 2024 Shared: May 23, 2019


This is the latest version of my AI tanks project. Improvements include: more realistic graphics slower acceleration (for realism) muzzle flashes faster radar challenge mode no lag! tanks get dirty if they are close to an exploding tank rate of fire is limited (although it's still quite fast if you're close up) less damage from collisions shadows Bonuses Air attack Overheating Commentary The Tanks are: Ambush by @CowSoCool37 Annihilator by @THE-FLAMES Arctic Destroyer by @TheWallOfFlesh Artless Dodger by @goodwizard435 BackBiter by @boxingcrazy bananas by @THE-FLAMES beast by @WildTraces Bio-Hazard by @iamsiraj Blaze by @JamesCatanzaro Bulbaz by @Bulbaz bull by @WildTraces Capitalism by @ANDORRANT Cheese3 by @gid555 Communism by @CowSoCool37 CRUSHER by @JMP07 D.O.T. (Destroyer of Tanks) by @SuperRyn DEATHSEEKER by @ANDORRANT Destroyer3 by @Awesomeness278 Eliminator by@CaseyL2020 Fate by @INFNTY Freeze by @JamesCatanzaro gordeeTank by @gor-dee gordeeTank2.1 by @gor-dee GunGun by @TKTK1234567 HEATSEEKER by @ANDORRANT Insert Coin by @Swell-smell JoeTank by @JMP07 KarollPanic by @Blue_Random KB-1 by @YaroslavScratch Koenig by @TheWallOfFlesh LOCK ON by @THE-FLAMES Lord B52 by @LordB52 Lupu by @Lupu_Z Megablaster by @gor-dee MegaTon by @gor-dee NeoMarauder by @jshen1 NightFury by @jshen1 Obliterator by @gor-dee Rapid Fire by @TKTK1234567 RaVaVaGaGa by @Mars4151 Red Mark II by @gor-dee Red Patrol by @badgebry000 redeyes by @stickfiregames Seeker by @CowSoCool37 Selesnya by @ANDORRANT Serpent by @WildTraces Shadow Hunter by @novacomix Shredder MK2 by @novacomix Sir Chromalot by @gor-dee STRYKER by @PawsomeGamerTV Super Ash by @THE-FLAMES Surroundstrike 2 by @pongynose * TOOOOOG by @CowSoCool37 ToperTank by @Toper-games Tracker by @Mewie5 Triangulator by @banbot2 Turret-4 by @THE-FLAMES Warrior by @THE-FLAMES WHAM by @duncsaurus Whirlwind by @PlasmaMonkeyFanClub Whiteout by @novacomix Yaroslav E by @YaroslavScratch Yaroslav Super by @YaroslavScratch Zipper by @THE-FLAMES * tanks from old project and modified by @gor-dee Tank Costumes - Bleed and Handyman on, Ripple image - Sounds from Music - from Robot Wars TV series found on youtube Pixel Text Engine by @MCAnimator3D Title picture - explosion costumes from keenuapps & idea for challenge mode - @gid555 Thanks to @Layzej for the original Robot Wars idea 16/05/2017 - Shared 18/05/17 - added ActualSpeed list and altered *Speed* block 04/12/17 - new features! Bonus awarded to tank that scored over 10 hits on a dead tank, Shadows, A-10 air attack when time is up, All vs All challenge mode. 12/01/18 - update to Megablaster 20/01/18 - improved collision detection to avoid overlap when turning 21/01/18 - mod to above to avoid tanks being pushed out of arena and getting stuck. mod to increase size of radar sprite. Update to gordeeTank 14/02/18 - challenge mode stats now count single challenges 17/02/18 - cloud variable fix for Scratch's new 128 character limit 13/03/18 - delays added to explosion to improve look 06/06/19 - major update, all tanks are now clones of "Tanks" instead of separate sprites to allow 64 tanks with Scratch 3.0s limits. Also added temperature list, if your tanks speed is over 1 it will start to overheat which will slow it down; Health bar flashes when this happens. 28/06/19 - Winning tanks appear big after each round. 30/06/19 - Altered overheating, now overheats at 100 but tank will completely stop until temperature falls to below 50. 21/12/19 - added blackout transitions 11/06/20 - added TTS commentary 10/01/21 - improved commentary (more phrases) 08/02/21 - lists added to commentary to avoid repeats


Watch the AI tanks do battle (fullscreen recommended, sound up!) or PROGRAM YOUR OWN and add it to the project! The tanks are fairly simple to program (go to project and see inside the Sprite called "Remix This" for instructions) and see tutorial at Share your remixes and I'll add your tank to this project. Let me know if you need more help.

Project Details
