Movie player (Carmen Sandiego) scratch video

Movie player (Carmen Sandiego) scratch video

by B123test

👁 20 ❤️ 4 ⭐ 3 🔄 2
Created: Apr 13, 2022 Last modified: Nov 23, 2022 Shared: Nov 23, 2022


This is the intro for the Netflix Original series "Carmen Sandiego".


This just fills me with ideas. At some point we may be able to watch entire short movies in scratch. And technically it should be possible. You may know my earlier attempt at a video player. Well, I fixed the sync. It's also FPS independent meaning you can put it in turbo-mode and it will only improve the quality. You might see some use of this on my main account. I would like to apologize in advance to amazon fire kindle users. Owning a fire tablet, I know they can be quite a pain when trying to load a large scratch project like this one. This is a strobe animation, made up of hundreds of images that flicker to produce a video

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