2D Binary Space Partitioning

2D Binary Space Partitioning

by Coolaction

👁 156 ❤️ 13 ⭐ 11 🔄 0
Created: Feb 7, 2024 Last modified: Feb 14, 2024 Shared: Feb 7, 2024


a demonstration Credit to @tsf70 and @KryptoScratcher for Azex triangle filler, @TheGreenFlash for rotation matrix, and @badatcode123 and @Realworld for not helping in the slightest and in fact making my job more difficult and tedious (ily) This is actually a completely different project from the previous I had shared; this iteration is not only faster but takes up nearly half as much space (310 blocks compared to 585) and it much more efficient with resources. It is also not based on the previous, as literally all important algorithms function differently lmao BSP of course is just a fancy way of very accurately sorting objects in a scene; as the title of this project implies, this only works in two dimensions (the scene anyways, BSP's primary use is in 3 dimensions for accurate layering)... in other words, if this looks completely normal that means the BSP is working (all other traditional methods face significant issue and limitation due to the natural 3D tendency of irregularity). I will be creating a 3D BSP algorithm sometime as well, depending on how complex it is

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