Zomb.io v2

Zomb.io v2

by -Viper

👁 7 ❤️ 1 ⭐ 0 🔄 0
Created: Dec 5, 2023 Last modified: Dec 10, 2023 Shared: Dec 5, 2023


Zombs.io for concept and inspo updated version of https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/630191179 Bugs to fix: building on other buildings Stats Xbow damage: normal xbow fire rate: Very fast Xbow knock back: -4(used to be -6) Cannon damage: high Cannon fire rate: normal Cannon knock back:-4(used to be -6) Mage damage: Very low Mage fire rate: slow Mage knock back: -7(used to be -12) What will be updated in the next update? What to expect for next update resizing Building health improved graphics more zombies more towers


What's new? (IMPORTANT PLEASE READ) Improved knock back system(instead of using colors, there is a broadcast when each bullet hits the zombies. Nerfs to all buildings knock back and damage Walls were buffed by 50% longer waves towers are draggable 1 and 2 for arrows 3 and 4 for cannons 5 for mage 6 7 8 and 9 for walls After wave 10 you get an extra cannon Turbowarp is suggested because there are lots of clones Warning: This game isn't impossible, base design matters!! Turbowarp records don't show up on scratch Goal: Protect gold in the middle with towers Try different base designs to see which orders work well!

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