SCRATCH Intro for Crystal-25

SCRATCH Intro for Crystal-25

by xX_Freezer_Xx

👁 3,232 ❤️ 335 ⭐ 290 🔄 2
Created: May 2, 2023 Last modified: Jul 30, 2024 Shared: May 4, 2023


You should watch it multiple times on turbowarp for the best experience. Or youtube いろいろ言いたいことあるんで時間あれば下の日本語のコメントも読んでくださいな。 Comments (English) I'm back ig but not for long. Probably I will make a few intros and I'll go back to blender or whatever. I suddenly got a motivation for scratch because of my friend who used to quit scratch completely but re-started :) Cheers! So yea here is a SCRATCH intro for @Crystal-25, I haven't made a intro for crystal at all because I wanted to make something special for crystal. Why not. Crystal is the goat. I actually love this one. I found the way to create a transparent gif which makes this intro ten times better. Also WHO DECIDED WE HAVE TO USE SVG IMAGE FOR INTROS. NO ONE. I used GIMP and a lot of soft wares to create advanced image assets! I renewed my intro engine as well, frezer now use fps independent pens not clone WOW XD There are some new features like group scoping but I think that'd be too much to talk about. 日本語 スッ なんか復帰しました(?)多分何個かイントロ作ってまた消えると思います('ω') とあるお友達によってモチベが復活しました。v( ̄Д ̄)v イエイ いつぶりのスクラッチのイントロだ... 昔栗さんのコンテスト何度も挫折してしまっていたので特別なもので返そうと考えていました(?) はい。すみません(?) イントロの作り方忘れすぎてグダグダでした。でもこれ普通に良くね?('ω')黒背景の素材を透明素材に変える方法も見つけたし、GIMPなんかにも慣れてきたからもっと高度な画像をイントロで使えるようになったよ。その分重いけどね。誰もイントロはsvgで作んないといけないんなんて決めてないでしょ~ それとクローン卒業してfpsi のペンになりました。大進化。グループスコープとかいろいろ新しい機能もあるけど話してたら長くなるからまたいつか。 Status/credits 2000+ blocks (some unused but I don't care) fps independent Code - 100% by me Cosutmes - a lot of them are by me in Inkscape, GIMP, Panzoid, FFmpeg and so on. Shockwaves are by skooartz 2k motion pack and converted it to transparent gif by me. Some images are from google idk what they are actually from. Modified by me Huge inspiration - Music - Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer Self rate : 8.5/10 - pretty good but kinda choppy Font : Newtype I hope you like it :) tags #intros #animation #animations #art #all #crystal #frezer #LearnFromSkoo I'm not a very big fan of writing famous lover&faver but why not @xX_Freezer_Xx faved&loved!?!?!?WHAAAAAAAA @Crystal-25 faved&loved, crystal barely faves so yea @-TIN- loved @Yoda_SMP13 faved&loved @l_____Scratch_____l faved&loved @wolther faved&loved @-fenyx faved&loved @-cat-ninja- faved, loved and followed xd @totalawesomeperson faved&loved @_-Dreamer-_ faved&loved @kirbyzaz and @Cardboardguy236 loved&faved?????

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