Geometry Dash Acheron

Geometry Dash Acheron

by topgg27

👁 23,747 ❤️ 397 ⭐ 349 🔄 29
Created: Mar 9, 2023 Last modified: Nov 18, 2024 Shared: Mar 9, 2023


Updates: Update 1: Fixed some bugs. and speed was wrong. Update 2: Finished!!! More fixes, buffs/ nerfs to make possible. :) Update 3: We did it!!!! 1000 views. Thanks to anybody who viewed and liked it!!!! :) Update 4: fixed bug at 69%. Update 5: extended a little bit because there was a small error in length, and small transition fix at first ship. Update 6: Fixed the length issue because it didn't save. so now it is the correct length. Update 7: Major!!! I have done a lot of adjusting and a lot of play testing and i have finally made it possible to get to the drop! Update 8: Fixed some bug discovered by @BlobbyStudios Update 9: 10000 views!!!!!!! Thank you everybody who viewed this project and has found things i need to fix, and all the support along the way. I would've never imagined i could ever get a five digit number. :) Update 10: Fixed bug at transition near 50% fixed, and also fixed last wave was impossible because of bug. Update 11: Fixed up pretty much all of the ship gameplay to hopefully make it possible. and fixed another bug at around 35%. Update 12: Still fixing some random things that dont work sometimes. Update 13. Thank you for 20000 views! :) Update 14. Its hard to keep up with all the gen alpha fakers so from now on i will also be deleting your comment.


Liars/Fakers: @ZZoinkk @ediieiscool @CCcmoiAK44 @voodoo-123 @Techno_Laseraxe @SCRATCHcaps2 @GBB7857 @jigglemymoney455 @shankar123456 @whats9plus10_11205 @shankar123456 @anishchenkoian @UKULELE_PILLOW @jace6789 @THECreator_98 @yormon @GoldenKarma @joeboss88 @percyjackson_2022 @ssslopeevr @Phantom_Studios_16 @malcolmvGINGER @C3nt1p3d3 @Dr1adzy @Ntnathanbeast11 @mhoohykjan @pvp_legend @Lahka123a @41mj @waiye @mathmagician68 @garbobum @bezos13 @SCHOOL_PLS @kinghm2341 @-Cosmic8- @ASCEND_DARK @mangocoolguy @infinite103de @Yeetman4667 Wow 27 views already!!!! Wow 44 views!!!!! Wow 84 views!!! 100 views!!! 241 views wow. 334 views cool! 508 *noice 627 cool 922!! 1000!!!!! 69 hearts. *Nice Wow 3000 views!!!! 3500 Views already?!?!?!? wow! 19 days from 3000 to 4000 views wow LOL. 13 days from 4000 to 5000 views. 7000 views lets go. 8000. 200 hearts! 200 favorites! 10000 Views!!!! 250 hearts! 14000 views!!! 300 Hearts!!! 250 Stars!!! 15000 Views!!! 350 hearts!!! 300 stars!!!! 20000 Views!!!

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #733551708
Original Project
Project #617482003