by Dsvet27

👁 4,257 ❤️ 871 ⭐ 686 🔄 13
Created: Feb 25, 2023 Last modified: Jun 5, 2023 Shared: Feb 25, 2023


= == === DUMB DUMB === For laggy devices: https://turbowarp.org/809620217 For VERY laggy devices: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/sedMB-NAsu0 === HELLO UHHH THIS IS DSVET COMING BACK AFTER HALF A YEAR UHHH HAHAH === Anyways, this project has taken me about 45 hours (i'm not lying, i spent about 10 hours every week on this project for a whole month and i also have stats from my screen time showing the time i spent on turbowarp), but I'm VERY GLAD I've finished it. This is my biggest project and if someone's actually reading what I write (and i'm going to write a lot in this project), then you'll have to learn that this is the FINALE of the dollcat animation memes. That's right, no more dollcats, this is the end of season 2 and the whole story. And why not say goodbye to all of our dollcat friends with this huge meme? And what's that? New characters?? === How I made the meme: I started this project WAAAAAY back like the start of November 2022, but I suddenly became really sad for the whole month (i was crying almost every single day and once i had a breakdown in class (which was embarrassing))(don't worry, i'm okie dokie now), during that month I only did the intro of the meme (barely anything (1/12)), December I did 1/4th of the meme (the spin part) and by the end of January I was almost done with half of the meme (basically everything until the " i just wanna go from here " part), HOWEVER February I said "Alright, no time for delaying this", so I worked NON STOP from the start of February 'till the day I've shared this. Halfway trough the month i was done with the coding and little did you know the art took me as much as the coding did (excluding the backgrounds). And now, while I'm writing this this meme has been finished. (i am writing very quickly haha) === SPOILERS FOR THE MEME So who are these new characters? Present, past and future! (well not really, more like the first one you've seen, the second one is VERY old and the third one you've never seen!) CORE TO ALL OF THOSE WHO VOTED FOR CORE IN THE LAST PROJECT HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF STRANGER DANGER????? Anyways, this is CORE! (btw, use any pronouns you want for them, CORE doesn't really care) Always happy and with a little squeaky voice! But this cute description isn't what CORE's plans actually are, actually, no one really knows, but if you get in the way don't think there's a way out... Crimson Remember her? This is her now. Crimson has very little to no lore, even if she's THE OLDEST character from all of the Dsvet characters (older than Starry!). Crimson looks like a very quiet and serious person, but that's only on the outside, on the inside there's a warm and adventurous heart! But something else is also in that heart as well... Bnitsa10 (pronounced banitsa 10) First looks often lie, especially with this character. If you see it at first glance you might think it's just a very happy girl, but the more you stare the more you realise that grin isn't really going away.., but it's already too late when you come to that conclusion, because you're already dead. Creepy, scary and horrifying, words like these still aren't enough to describe this "creature". It calls itself Bnitsa10, but most people think that this name isn't really it's real name, neither the form it has taken, it's rather a form to trick those who are searching... for two really important people. The acts this creature has done are beyond imaginable, making the worst curses and damages known to the peaceful 2D world. But it doesn't get any better when you enter it's 3D pocket realm... Very few people have managed to go there and even fewer people have gotten out. It's described as a lonely place with random brick walls and brick paths everywhere. But the creepiest part are the statues... Statues with names, statues based of real creatures, some people have even seen themselves and it is said that those statues age along with the person they're based of. In this little dimension there also seem to be a few locations, despite the chaotic maze this whole world is. There's a little, tiny garden with cardboard cutouts of just one creature. Most of the cutouts have been destroyed beyond recognition, but some still aren't that damaged. The creature has been described as a "cat, standing on it's two legs, with a bandana on it's neck, with a long, loose sleeved shirt, overalls, sometimes portrayed with a hat, and always with rings surrounding it's head and it's body, arms. The name reads General S., when with a hat and just Starry without one. === description too long lol === Oh yeah, the big part where the credits come: Code and art: @Dsvet27 = Music: Dumb Dumb Artist: Mazie === That's all === I'm not putting those stupid tags, I never get on front page anyways. === == =

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