IITPP Scratch Edition Revised V2.1

IITPP Scratch Edition Revised V2.1

by Dengaaaaaaaar

👁 1,146 ❤️ 15 ⭐ 16 🔄 4
Created: Nov 25, 2022 Last modified: Sep 7, 2024 Shared: Dec 25, 2022


(SCROLL DOWN FOR FAQ/Info) Thanks to @MarioBrosU22 for starting the whole thing. And a HUGE thanks to @corestartupfail for creating a ton of this project. If it weren't for them, none of this project would have been able to exist. Info: (FAQ Below info) Meltdown occurs at 4500 Kelvin, or when the safeguard fails. A core shutdown occurs when the core reaches 100 Kelvin. If the shutdown fails, there is a freezedown. FAQ: Q: What is "ASAS"? A: ASAS stands for "Automatic Smart Announcement System". It is an AI that essentially runs the facility. Q: How do I drain the magma in the event? A: It automatically drains itself. The rising magma event is the only event that finishes itself. Q: Where are power lasers 3 and 4? A: If I added them, it would require a huge revamp. UPDATE LOG ------------------------------------------------------------------------- V2.2 Plans: Large revamp of all that I can V2.13 1K Views Party removed. V2.12 1K Views Party! Limited time event to celebrate the game reaching 1,000 views! V2.11 (real) Branded with Pinewood for the foreseeable future (prepare for unforeseen consequences) V2.105 Added power laser levels and coolant lever! V2.102 Added Code Yellow alarm, fixed code red. V2.101 Added Coolant and Fan Status GUI V2.1: Added updates from MEU update. V2.09C Fixed freezedown lines, removed control room lockdown (Will be remade better) V2.09B Finished Announcement System V2.09A Added more announcements V2.09 Added the final Snowman Event Voicelines V2.08A Added more SFX V2.07 Updated stabilization ring destruction V2.06 Added meltdown voicelines FINALLY V2.04 Added John's voicelines. The rest are soon! V2.03 Yet another safeguard update (A bit buggy) V2.02 Added Zombie Event V2.01 (mini update) Added event creator and added flamebound in place of inbound. V2.0: RELEASE! Updates to safeguard functions V1.9: Freezedown changes V1.8: Added thumbnail V1.7: Changed failure events, fixed safeguard layering. V1.6: Added FSDS event. V1.5: Added custom blackout event, changed startup dialogue. V1.4: Added Thermal Generator Fire and Rising Magma events. V1.3: Added facility control room. V1.2: Added announcement screen. V1.1: Initial development. V1.0: (Made by @corestartupfail) V0.5: (Made by @MarioBrosU22)


WARNING: LOADING IS RESOURCE INTENSIVE, ONLY PLAY WITH A GOOD DEVICE (Facility operation guide is in a sprite in the editor.) CONTROLS: There are so many controls, so they have been separated into different categories: Core control, events, and other. FAQ/Info in notes and credits. Core Control: Click key next to startup button for step one of startup confirmation. C to open facility control room. Q for quick startup R To successfully shutdown the reactor core 1 to overload power laser 1 2 to overload power laser 2 3/4 to turn on/off coolant lasers 5/6 to turn on/off fans EVENTS: (The events do occur every so often on their own) O for Rising magma event G for thermal generator fire (suppression system is inside of the facility control room) W for warhead event P to shutdown the warhead S for Snowman Event (Also CAN appear at 500K) L to activate 2 mini power lasers to melt the snowman (Note that once the snowman melts, you have to click the green flag to get them to appear again.) I for Zombie Event OTHERS: Space to open announcement screen (used during events such as meltdown, freezedown, and warhead) A to make ASAS announce anything you want D to make ASAS alert anything you want Turbo Warp Link: https://turbowarp.org/767399696

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #682315805
Original Project
Project #581454932