EZ-Tween (Animation Toolkit) + Demo showcase

EZ-Tween (Animation Toolkit) + Demo showcase

by MentalBox

👁 861 ❤️ 149 ⭐ 107 🔄 4
Created: Oct 20, 2021 Last modified: Jul 15, 2024 Shared: Dec 10, 2021


Animation demo credits: ============================ Music is Earworm by Bugcore Amazing character and art made by @rainsong101 Animation and extra visuals by me ============================ Toolkit info ============================ I made this cuz I see a lot of people struggling with animation on scratch and I wanted to give back to the community. ============================ Kit is made ready to use by me, @MentalBox


Running the project will show off the capabilities of EZ-Tween for animations. Simply backpack the "EZ-Tween" sprite and use the notes in there to help you animate whatever your creative mind can think of!! I have an example sprite in there if you need it! Have fun, and happy tweening! If you need help or have some suggestions for things I should add or change, let me know it the comments! I'm on almost 24/7 and would be happy to help!

Project Details
