Tile Miner V.2! #all

Tile Miner V.2! #all

by Vozify--

👁 180 ❀ 5 ⭐ 6 🔄 0
Created: Sep 29, 2022 Last modified: Sep 24, 2023 Shared: Sep 29, 2022


Here I will be making updates to how the game is going but you can look at the game as well and tell how its coming together there. In the mean time, check out my 1st Tile Miner! Thanks! V.1.5 10/9/22 Update 12: SHOP KEEPER! Things I've made so far: I have added a shop that lets you scroll through various shop items! V.1.1 10/6/22 Update 11: Money + Spawn Platform! Things I've made so far: Money counter for future shop and a spawn platform so you don't spawn in a tree... V.1.0 10/5/22 Update 10: RELEACED TO PUBLIC + Block placing! Things I've made so far: I have FINALLY released it! I also added block placing! again, (LOTS of trial and error...) V.0.75 10/3/22 Update 9: Inventory UI Things I've made so far: Picking up a block adds it too your inventory AND adds it to your inventory UI. (LOTS of trial and error...) V.0.7 10/2/22 Update 8: Inventory Things I've made so far: Picking up a block adds it too your inventory. V.0.6 10/2/22 Update 7: Item Drops Things I've made so far: Breaking a block drops that block. V.0.55 9/31/22 Update 6: Parallax Background. Things I've made so far: Changes background for how deep you are. V.0.5 9/31/22 Update 5: Block Breaking/Mining Things I've made so far: Able to mine blocks and have a custom pickaxe. V.0.3 9/30/22 Update 4: World Ore Generation Things I've made so far: Lots of ores randomly spawn around the map. V.0.2 9/29/22 Update 3: Player movement. Things I've made so far: Lets you run around the map as a player from Tile Miner 1. V.0.1 9/29/22 Update 2: Tiles ready. Things I've made so far: Camera that lets you zoom around the map and look at the tiles. V.0.0 9/29/22 Update 1: Made this 3 min ago. Things (Scratch) has made so far: Auto-generated Scratch cat. #all #griffpatch #simulator #art #howto #howtodraw #mine #miner #minersim #minersimulator #tutorial


PLAY ON TURBOWARP PLEASE: https://turbowarp.org/738784736 IT'S FINALLY DONE! This game took me about 75 hours to make. Controls: WASD/Arrow keys - Move. F - Interact E - Place Block Scroll Wheel - Shop & Inventory

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