☁️ Super Smash Cats [SERVER 1]

☁️ Super Smash Cats [SERVER 1]

by JefferyTheSuperKat

👁 106,016 ❤️ 5,644 ⭐ 5,254 🔄 204
Created: Sep 13, 2022 Last modified: Dec 21, 2023 Shared: Sep 13, 2022


Server Full? Try another server: Server 2 - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/734574425/ Server 3 - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/736193746/ Cloud engine 100% by me (with a small concept taken from @griffpatch) 7K+ Blocks B) Credits: @JefferyTheSuperKat (me): For like 95 percent of the code @griffpatch: Scratch Cat animation frames @legobouwer9: Appel character @-Rex-: The text engine @greeny--231: Thumbnail @_MUFFIN_TOP_: Offsite support lol @Hans5958: Turbo Mode detector :D Music: www.youtube.com/channel/UCsLlqLIE-TqDq3lh5kU2PeA And thanks to all the playtesters: @greeny--231, @MaterArc, @rgantzos, @Happy_Snail, @ThePro255 and @JefferyTheSuperKat (me) [POSSIBLE UPDATES] (Although this game is not in development anymore) - Player ping detector (so you can play with people who have better ping) - More SAS and MAS (Special Attack Skins and Main Attack Skins respectively) - Save Codes - Spectating - More Maps - Settings - A battlepass if I get really ambitious lol - Mobile controls for sure!!! [UPDATE LOG] Sep 15 - Fixed a glitch that when doing the (pointless) downward smash (hold S/Down Arrow Key), woulc delete projectiles (player and opponent). Nerfed health regen quite a bit (doubled the time it takes to start regening). Fixed a shop glitch. Fixed a glitch that caused some inventory clones to be deleted immediately. Sep 16 - Fixed a quest display glitch, which would show that you completed a quest when you actually hadn't :P Sep 22 - Fixed an exploit that would allow people to use Turbo Mode to go really fast, it will now stop exploiters from moving :P #TeamJeff #SSC (Do not advertise L bozo + ratio if you do)


READ THIS: (12/21/2023) Look, I know the game is bugged, and that when you join the game, it says someone is offline, but they quickly disappear. Please stop telling me this, I've been told hundreds, if not thousands of times. I don't plan on fixing it. The FaQ in the comments explains it. From now on, if you comment on my profile asking me to fix this issue, or to notify me about it, I will delete your comment. [TURBOWARP] https://turbowarp.org/731527972?stuck&clones=Infinity [INTRODUCTION] Welcome to Super Smash Cats. A Cloud Multiplayer 1v1 game similar to Super Smash Bros. (You get coins from playing rounds, you can use those coins to buy stuff) Fight your friends for coins and gems, buy kill effects, sprays, and more! [HOW TO PLAY] To start a game, click on the "Players" tab (next to the character tab), and if another person is online, their name will show up. You can press "Request" to send them a game request. And if they accept, then a game will start :D [NOTES] - Does not support mobile (might add it in the future) - Feel free to tell a friend to join, I feel like more people don't do this, but really, you should :P - Joining takes about 10 seconds (on some occasions it can take 30, but this is rare!) - Sprays are images that will appear above your head while in a game (they serve no practical use). - Gems do not have any point yet. - This is still in Beta, so expect glitches. [CONTROLS] WASD or Arrow Keys to move (While In-Game) Mouse to shoot (While In-Game) E to use the special attack (While In-Game) T to use spray (While In-Game) Thanks to @TimMcCool for hosting the contest, and for all of you for getting this to 10000 views in like 10 days :D Also, this got 6th place out of like 300 entries :D - Lol 5K views overnight what the honk?? - loool I 6th place and we're like 300 views away from passing 1st place in views xD - #35 on trending wut - got a rating from the scratch team classifying this as "Rated For Everyone" :D

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Remixed From
Project #718878563
Original Project
Project #718878563