Friday Night Funkin' (Bob sings At The Speed Of Light)

Friday Night Funkin' (Bob sings At The Speed Of Light)

by Prefernottosay000

👁 14 ❤️ 0 ⭐ 0 🔄 0
Created: Sep 9, 2022 Last modified: Sep 11, 2022 Shared: Sep 10, 2022


cabalexBin, Phlox and Wildy, Robtop and Riot. And no this isn't related to Friday Night Dashin'. Other than the backdrop and instrumental this isn't using their storyline/content. I will credit them though. Their team: Saibot, JustH4chy, ROYAL, NiTi, Dusty, LightCube, VoltXerion, V0idShadow, Getsaa.


Difficulties: Bob: Bob sings at the speed of light Player: GD cube sings at the speed of light Piano: Piano? sings at the speed of light They all have the same charting only the song is changed. If you're tired or can't beat the song press B for botplay mode. Lore: Bob finds a random video about Geometry Dash. He finds the game interesting and plays it for almost a year. 7 months later, he beats all the main levels and is bored of the game until he finds out about custom made levels which are made by different people. An extreme demon called "Bloodlust" peaks his interests. He practiced the level for 3 months and still can't beat it causing him to ragequit. 2 weeks later, he returns to the level and is determined to finish it once and for all after his devastating 99% fail. Can he beat it? It all depends on you... Note: Go to the options and click funky tune ;)

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #519325355
Original Project
Project #519325355