Plants vs Zombies S #Games #All

Plants vs Zombies S #Games #All

by Mikeygaming0041

👁 799 ❤️ 32 ⭐ 26 🔄 4
Created: Sep 5, 2022 Last modified: Dec 19, 2024 Shared: Mar 4, 2024


NOTES ========================================== You can use the sprites, you just have to give credits. Upcoming Plants: Cabbage Pult, Repeater, & Potato Mine.(Hopefully!) Upcoming Zombies: BucketHead and Screen Door If you find ANY bugs please report them here and i will attempt to fix them : CREDITS ========================================== Popcap Games and EA for the original Plants vs Zombies Phantom coders made the tutorial series the plant art is by me Tags: #games #all #pvz Other Games: ========================================= Surged Rooms: One Night at Peashooters:


Plants vs Zombies S Fun Fact: I only joined scratch to make a PvZ remake. Enjoy the game?: Continue to spread it by putting the link, (The link to the game) In Studios! ============================================= How 2 Play! Use keys 1 and 2 to navigate between different sets of plants! click on seeds to place plants SPACE BAR on planting to decline Click on the GREEN to place them Click the sun to collect it Plants - Peashooter: This plant shoots peas at the zombies the cost is 4 sun and a 3 second reload. - Sunflower: This plant Produces sun for the Player to use the cost is 2 sun and has a 2 second reload. -Wall-nut: protects your plants, costs 2 sun, 20 second reload (no longer looks like a potato) -Snow Pea: Shoots frozen peas, and slows zombies that get hit by them. Sun also falls from the sky too. press a for hacks Press s to see your score. Shovel Instructions! Is this the first PvZ Scratch Game with a shovel? You basically click the shovel, then click a plant. and that's how it works! As of right now the game dosnt perform AS good on mobile (Because Reasons) but will be 100% Mobile Compatible in the future! try to get the highest score How to get score? Collecting sun from the sky = 1 point Collecting sun from sunflowers = 5 points killing a zombie = 10 points How to get promo codes? A.) Simply go to my profile and look at my "What I'm working on" Section. B.) Looking for a code that's no longer on my profile? Just look in the Comments and try to find that code (If anyone commented it.) Promo codes are currently in testing, they are not planned to be in the game forever.

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