Raycast Lighting Concept

Raycast Lighting Concept

by PurplePyramid

👁 103 ❤️ 12 ⭐ 7 🔄 0
Created: Aug 23, 2022 Last modified: Aug 27, 2022 Shared: Aug 27, 2022


Inspired by Griffpatch's youtube tutorials on raycasting in his 3D tutorials. Check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1c5TcdITVs&list=PLy4zsTUHwGJKolO9Ko_j6IStFIJnTYBul I just like 2D a lot better, so I decided to apply raycasting to this project and use it for a lighting effect. In the pause menu, "LTS" = Light Tile Size. An LTS of 10 means we use a 10 pixel by 10 pixel square to scan and draw the lighting effects.


Try here: https://turbowarp.org/724362333 for faster performance. WASD : Move Look with Mouse Curser E/Q: Toggle between flashlight and lantern mode. SPACE: Toggle full lighting on/off. P: Pause/Unpause Shine your light around some spooky figures. Try and guess what they are, or make cool shadows! Press space to show the figures in full lighting once you've already made your guess. If you need help, try raising the resolution in the pause menu (just beware that your FPS could drop significantly). This project scans the figures in the "Solids" sprite for faster raycasting. See inside the "Solids" sprite for how to add your own costumes/figures!

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