Remix: Funky Floss Cat

Remix: Funky Floss Cat

by papipupepappa

👁 4,183 ❤️ 229 ⭐ 190 🔄 35
Created: Dec 11, 2020 Last modified: Dec 15, 2020 Shared: Dec 11, 2020


The music is "Dance" by Bensound: @kriblo's "Animated PFP - How to":


There's a new funky floss cat in town! ⚠️ Epilepsy warning! This project has psychedelic effects, although not flashing rapidly. ⏳ Lag warning! This project is resource intensive (lots of clones and effects). Full screen is not recommended. This remix uses very little of @kriblo's original code. Instead, I made a gif animation using the method @kriblo described for making PFP:s (see below), and applied graphic effects to make it look like an Earth, Wind & Fire music video. I also changed the music to something that fits the effects. The edges have white pixels since I used a white backdrop when making the gif animation. At that point I hadn't decided what to use as a project backdrop. Anyway, since this is just a fun little project it doesn't really matter much, but I'll keep it in mind for future projects.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #460134357
Original Project
Project #460134357