Scratch cloud statistics

Scratch cloud statistics

by -EmeraldThunder-

👁 189 ❤️ 24 ⭐ 24 🔄 0
Created: Dec 8, 2021 Last modified: May 11, 2022 Shared: Dec 12, 2021


You will have to clone the script and host it somewhere if you want to properly remix this project, the code is open source on github at this link: All you need to do to get it to run is create a .env file and type the follwing info. USERNAME=<YourScratchUsername> PASSWORD=<YourPassword> PID=<TheIDOfTheProject> (Please use replit secrets if hosting on the service, then all your info will be private) You need to run it in an environment that has python and ScratchClient installed.


Coming soon: Updated UI. Light and dark mode. Graphs to show data over time. Rember this is only a prototype, it will look a lot better once other releases come out. New scratchers cannot use this, sorry. :( Also no profile pictures - Maybe I'll add this in at 5000 likes (It'd mean longer load times though) Update log: 1.0 (12/12/21) - Shared project. 1.1 - Added display for http errors. 1.1.5 (13/12/21) - Fixed issues with server crashing over time. 1.1.6 - Added error handling in the encoder (server side) 1.1.7 (14/12/21) - Another sever side patch! This is getting unmanageable! The server should not crash after a few hours of being running. I think it's fixed now. 1.2 - Added client side timeout, errors should now be handled correctly. 1.2.5(16/12/21) - Added a 1 in 3 chance the project stats will load instead of your stats + Decrease timout time from 15 to 7 seconds

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