Poly Bridge v0.10

Poly Bridge v0.10

by GonSanVi

👁 234,360 ❤️ 5,253 ⭐ 5,015 🔄 251
Created: Feb 3, 2022 Last modified: Sep 10, 2022 Shared: Feb 23, 2022


I know it has some physics-related bugs, but the main code works. When I shared the poly bridge physics simulation, people started asking for making it playable, so... Devlog: 15/march/2022 :: v0.10 fixed bug when calculating distances, that would break some bridges with no aparent reason before the ball hits them. 23/feb/2022 :: v0.9 shared, unshared due to a collision bug, and then reshared with the bug fixed 23/feb/2022 :: v0.8 added 9 different levels 23/feb/2022 :: v0.7 added budget and improved some physics. 18/feb/2022 :: v0.6 added stress visualizer and breaking (sort of) + strenght + weight 14/feb/2022 :: v0.5 tried to add stress visualizer and breaking. (failed) 13/feb/2022 :: v0.4 started with ball physics. (with rotation and all that) 13/feb/2022 :: v0.3 added bridge physics 12/feb/2022 :: v0.2 added bridge making. 10/feb/2022 :: v0.1 project created and started working on rendering. How does it work? It uses a modified verlet integration physics engine, to which I added ball physics, stress, and stuff like that. here I have a tutorial on how verlet integration works: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/636061582/ Credits: Dry cactus for the original games poly bridge 1 and 2. Adrian Talens for poly bridge soundtrack: https://youtu.be/9rkwlvjl_AI @-Rex- for his pen text engine. @rfeng250 for reporting a bug with some distances. (fixed)


Turbowarp link: https://turbowarp.org/638545340?hqpen Just use your mouse. 100% mobile friendly. All levels are possible, so don't go to my profile saying that they are impossible. Types of sticks: Dark brown: road. It is the only stick that the ball can iteract with. Orange/light brown: Wood. To hold structures. Red/Purple: Steel. Stronger, but more expensive. Yellow: Spring Play to play. Stop to stop. Grid to toggle on/off the grid snapping. Reset arrow to reset. Trash to delete. Weight to see weights.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #637576985
Original Project
Project #637576985