Interactive Kitchen

Interactive Kitchen

by Bennyfred

👁 113,537 ❤️ 5,021 ⭐ 3,772 🔄 241
Created: Mar 3, 2021 Last modified: May 21, 2021 Shared: May 18, 2021


Thank you so much for the feature! Words can't explain how thankful I am!!!!!!! Please check out my other game called Biome: NO ADVERTISING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to The Interactive Kitchen! This is a game where you can interact with the things around the kitchen and have fun! List of all interactive things: 4 burners on the stove 4 knobs on the oven The cabinet under the sink The clock (It moves but you can also click on it) The microwave The fridge The oven The window The birds in the window The kitchen knife The water faucet The soap The painting And the wood table under the knife There are currently only 20 things to interact with so see if you can find all of them! All art credits to me (@Bennyfred) and some from the scratch sprite library. Please post any questions or comments below. The music is jazzcomedy Also please write in the comments if you want me to include all the interactive things. Have fun!

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