Drawing Morpher

Drawing Morpher

by Dinosu

👁 190,776 ❤️ 10,398 ⭐ 8,905 🔄 393
Created: Nov 20, 2021 Last modified: Jan 7, 2023 Shared: Nov 20, 2021


If you like this, you will definitely like Drawing Exploder: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/683099709 If you are interested in how this project works, check out my Youtube video on it: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/1WcBb5Cnc-U Thanks to @ThunderGuns for proposing this project to be featured. Thanks to @MineCodr for the suggestion to make this project mobile-friendly. Want to recreate this? The morphing algorithm can be made very efficiently. This project samples 100 vertices along each of the two shapes you draw, and then does a linear interpolation between each set of corresponding points. If you want to remix this, I left many variables that you can change to change the drawing speed, precision, time required, etc. However, I would appreciate if you actually changed something in your remix. This project was featured on 1/15/2022. Unbelievably, it reached 120K views 9 days later. This project was 6th on Popular as of 5/1/2022. Notable loves/favorites include @ceebee, @sharkyshar, @atomicmagicnumber, @FunnyAnimatorJimTV, and @ToadFanSchool. Thanks to @Turtsles for introducing me to Scratch.


Forum topic (POST SAVE CODES HERE, NOT IN THE COMMENTS): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/572711/ 1. Press the green flag. 2. If you choose to draw: a. Draw a shape. You must draw until the loading bar is full. b. Repeat step 2. 3. If you choose to load: a. Copy a save code from the official forum topic into the prompt. b. If it doesn't show anything when you paste it in, the save code is invalid. Press space (or tap on mobile). Your second shape will morph into the first one! Alternatively, you can change the slider called "t slider" to see an individual time step. Please look at @3TheHedgehogCoder3's very underrated projects! If people comment save codes or say the loading feature is broken because they're getting codes from the comments, please politely tell them what they're missing. Please comment with any suggestions you have, aside from the following: - Ability to have breaks in drawings This project was made entirely by Dinosu.

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