

by cherryowl

👁 130,909 ❤️ 3,983 ⭐ 3,073 🔄 268
Created: Jul 11, 2021 Last modified: Mar 13, 2024 Shared: Aug 22, 2021


Tips if you can’t hear 1. Check your volume 2. Make sure your audio is working 3. Check the sound on another scratch project 4. Play this 5. Make sure you are clicking on the sky not the notes, this is rain music not click music So many messages! :O 17th sep.FEATURED! WOW! Thank you to @bodi3 for proposing!!!!!!! GO FOLLOW HER NOW OR ELSE. Didn't think this would happen XD :O It’s been like 8hours since I realised I was featured and still so surprised! 28 Apr: How do people still find this... 8 Oct: woah 100 000 view :OOO and finally got my lazy self to change Minor to mean the normal minor not harmonic XD 29 Dec: finally kind scratch @pastapasta7 told me that the minor scale was wrong and I finally fixed it and changed the scale names because they are not accurate he he I guess I should add some tags------- #all #game #rain #music #art #piano #featured #cherryowl :o hello there Hmmmmmm Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm But , . Bug Lol This Is The End :D


Go here to post you cool tunes: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/609341/?page=1#post-6359662 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Click on the sky to make rain drops! Once those rain drops touch the bottom they will make awesome sounds! The 2 buttons on the right change the key. The peeking sun changes scale mode to freestyle. Change the instrument by using button. Click the rain drop buttons to change the amount. In free mode click the thunder to make the notes go 1 lower than the normal the rain to make it normal and the puddle to make it higher. The rainbow gives you a guide to the notes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Want beats instead of tunes? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/694232572/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Songs Star Wars intro music… Do, So, Fa, Mi, Re, (high) Do, So, Fa, Mi, Re, (high) Do, So, Fa, Mi, Fa, Re ~ @officialoreo C Major, 3X Mi, 1X Do, 1X Mi, 1X So, 1X Do - Super Mario - Steel Drums - @ninjakaheksa The happy birthday full lyrics - 1 line - C# C# D# C# F# F 2 line - C# C# D# C# G# F# 3 line - C# C# A# G# F# F D# 4 line - B B A# F# G# F# - @scratch_tamatar Micheal Learn To Rock - Sleeping Child D (X2), D, E, F#, E, D, C#, D, E - @GrooverPopn Haha Song- Fa Fa Re So Fa Re - C major - @greenthumb15 Do a dear - @cherryowl - C major Do. Re. Me. Do. Me. Do. Me/ Re. Me. Fa. Fa. Me. Re. Fa/ Me. Fa. So. Me. So. Me. So/ Fa. So. La. La. So. Fa. La/ So. Do. Re. Me. Fa. So. La/ La. Re. Fa. So. La. Ti/ Ti. Me. Fa. So. La. Ti. Doh/ Ti. La. Ti. So. La. Ti. Doh. Do C - C - D - C - F - E C - C - D - C - G - F C - C - C - A - F - D A - A - A# - G# - A Its a nice song - @GameMaker_New Do Re Mi Fa So So <pause> La Ti Do(The pink one) Do(The pink one) Ti La So Fa Mi Fa La Fa Re Mi So Mi Do Re Mi Re Do Do - @bulestar_124 - Dawn Mary had a little lab: Ti La So La Ti Ti Ti La La La Ti (High)Do (High)Do Ti La So La Ti Ti Ti Ti La La Ti La So - @Dawnthunder C C G G A A G F F E E D D C G G F F E E D G G F F E E D C C G G A A G F F E E D D C - twinkle twinkle little star - @lemonliime- Peppa Pig theme: A# G D# F C, C C# D F E C. @Dragon_At_Heart Godzilla's Theme Song: C B A. C B A. C B A G A B C B A. C B A. C B A. C B A G A B C (Do (Pink one) Ti La. Do Ti La. Do Ti La So La Ti Do Ti La. Do Ti La. Do Ti La. Do Ti La So La Ti Do Ti La.) - @Godzillasaurus-Rex despacito D F# B D C# B A# B B C# D E F# D F# D F# F# D E C# D B D F# B D B D F# D C# B A B D G B D B D G D C# B A D F# A D F# D F# A D C# B A E F# D E C# D B - @Jonahmaraiswifu Babby shark c d f f f f f f f x2 c g f f f f f f f f f e - @PotatoHeadCat CCCCEEEEDDDDGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAFEDCBBCDE - coffin dance - @--Naruto- How to play "The Legendary Starfy OST 55 - Pause Menu": Select double droplets, click over Re 4 times, then click over Mi 4 times, then click over Fa 4 times, then click over Mi 4 times. - @GolemStolem The Devils And The Details Theme Song (Jackbox Games) D, A#, A, G, D, D, D#, A#, A, G, D#, G, A#, A, G, A#, C, C#, D - @GrooverPopn Bad Apple! (Normal) D#, F, F#, G#, A#, (rain) D#, C#, (Normal) A#, D#, A#, G#, F#, F, D#, F, F#, G#, A#, G#, F#, F, D#, F, F#, F, D#, D, F, D#, F, F#, G#, A#, (Snow) D#, C#, (Normal) A#, D#, A#, G#, F#, F, D#, F, F#, G#, A#, G#, F#, F, F#, G#, A# - @GrooverPopn Trivia Murder Party (Jackbox Games) - List of the Dead:(Normal) A#, B, A, B, A#, F#, F, A#, B, A#, A, A#, (Snow) D#, (Normal) A#, G#, F#, G#, F, D#, C#, (Lightning) A, A#, (Normal) A#, B, A, B, A#, F#, F, A#, B, A, B, A#, (Snow) D#, F#, D#, F, F#, D#, F, F#, D#, D, D# - @GrooverPopn wrecking ball intro: B D B D B E B E F# E F# G E @Vfder4 @Moon--Dragon - Do Ti Do (pause for a second) So Fa (pause) Do Ti Do (Pause) So Fa] @rdgscratch - D, b a g a F#, D# b a g F# g, E b a g F# g, D# b a g F# g @CHAR_IS_FOUND - Steven universe theme - (On scale) D, b a g a F#, D# b a g F# g, E b a g F# g, D# b a g F# g. (Can't do the rest bc it's not big enough)

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