DogOS - An OS with a scripting language 0.6.0 (SmartDog), Dog OS
by o97doge
# Documentation ## All the documentation is in this forum post: # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( Future updates will be logged in the forum topic instead, due to there being a character cap. ## [0.6.0 (Partial release) (BetterDS)] - (This isn't the full 0.6.0) ### Fixed - Lag no longer occurs while wait is running. ### Added - Added if to DogScript. ## [0.5.0.Δ (NewYears)] - 2023-13-06 (D E L T A) ### Fixed - pure now works again. ## [0.5.0.Γ (NewYears)] - 2023-07-04 (G A M M A (0.6.0 is coming soon)) ### Added - That feature that activated on New Years Day now has an Easter egg code, it's not an eecode. ## [0.5.0.β (NewYears)] - 2022-31-12 (B E T A) ### Added - Added configuration for TurboWarp. ## [0.5.0.α (NewYears)] - 2022-31-12 (A L P H A) ### Changed - That feature that only activates on New Years Day now auto deactivates itself. ## [0.5.0 (NewYears)] - 2022-31-12 (wait a sec...) ### Deprecated - gpu.* will be replaced by pix. ### Added - Added pix to DogScript. - Something that will only activate on New Years Day ## [0.4.0 (PressedButton)] - 2022-3-12 ### Added - Variable support in DogScript. - Added in to DogScript. ## Changed - [BREAKING] Wait and repeat now require quotation marks. ## [0.3.0 (PressButton)] - 2022-27-11 (this update will be split in two because i’m currently sleep deprived) ### Fixed - Fixed a bug in Doggle that caused you to type again as soon as you searched. ### Changed - Attempting to steer the UI in a neumorphic direction. - Some results in Doggle. ### Added - Added repeat to DogScript. - Added OOBE. ## [0.2.0.β] - 2022-18-07 ( z o o o o m) ### Added - Added save codes. ## [0.2.0.α] - 2022-18-07 (new update in the same day? updates go z o o m) ### Changed - Restored some features from DogOS v2 (this branch was based off an older version). ## [0.2.0] - 2022-18-07 (new update, already?) ### Added - Added support for a 640x360 resolution (not in a proper way for now). ### Changed - Tweaked the UI (again) (or removed the flow os inspired design). ### Removed - Removed draggable windows (again?). ### Fixed - Fixed a bug where icons could be pressed while dragging your mouse cursor. - Fixed a bug where Doggle will not display properly sometimes. - Made the taskbar icons appear properly again. ## [0.1.4] - 2022-17-07 (finally, the date has been recorded) ### Added - The DogScript interpreter now records how much time the program took. - When a DogScript program finishes, press C to clear the message and close it fully. ### Changed - Changed the Doggle motto from "Woof the woof web" to "Woof the bark wide web". - Made the DogOS menu's reported version catch up with the OS version. - Changed the black cursor's look. ## [0.1.3] - DATE NOT RECORDED ### Added - Started work on DogScript (DogScript is a programming language used for DogOS so you can add programs without remixing it!). ### Changed - Fixed and tweaked the UI. - Changed the changelog to the Keep a Changelog format. - Changed versioning system (again). ## [0.1.2] - DATE NOT RECORDED ### Changed - Made the DogOS cursor favored over the OS cursor. ### Removed - Removed copyrighted images. ## [0.1.1] - DATE NOT RECORDED ### Added - New bootscreen added. ### Changed - Changed White Cursor to Black Cursor and it is now the default cursor. ## [0.1.0] - DATE NOT RECORDED ### Changed - Doggle now has a draggable window. ## [LEGACY] - DATES NOT RECORDED - NEW IS AT THE BOTTOM FROM THIS POINT DogOS v0.0: Prototype. DogOS v0.1: Added Cursor. DogOS v0.2: Programs now Moveable. DogOS v0.3: CC CursorChanger (not fully made) the file (curchange.woofexe) is not made so it does not Work. DogOS Version Bar and Project Image added. DogOS v0.4 Snapshot 11032019: Start Button Works, Start Menu Added, Shut Down Feature Added. DogOS v0.4 Snapshot 23032019: Now Displays Date and OS Startup Added. DogOS v1.0: Entire Redesign! its bit like flowos now. Animation Added and No More Annoying Version Bar! DogOS v1.1: Separated Things! Had to Remove the Program Window Moving Feature. DogOS v1.2: Mouse under UI Fixed, CC Cursor Changer now Works! Whoops, Grammar Mistake! Going to be Fixed Soon! Doggle: A way you can woof the Woof Web on DogOS! DogOS v2: Work in Progress, Draggable windows are coming back! # Notes - Some Doggle results are modified or shortened information from Wikipedia. # Tags #os #dogs
It’s DogOS! The input for the Log in screen is woofwoofilovedogs Don't press the green flag again after clicking it the first time because it wipes everything. # Credits - This project uses Twemoji created by Twitter (don't you dare block me st) under the CC-BY 4.0 license Link: (i will go insane if you replace this with "[removed by st]" (not actually removed by st, yet...)) - This project uses Stamp Font Engine++ by @-Rex- - Uses code from: by @2D4eter (it was removed but the variables still remain).
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