Bongo Translate

Bongo Translate

by iconicGaming

👁 5 ❤️ 1 ⭐ 1 🔄 0
Created: Mar 24, 2021 Last modified: Jun 16, 2021 Shared: Mar 30, 2021


97% by me! Pen Text Engine by @KryptykProductions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HASHTAGS #googletranslateruiner #all #translator #laughable #simplistic #minimal #iconicGaming #message #input


READ THE WHOLE THING PLEASE Don't forget to Heart, Star, and Follow! your funny outputs! -------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE FOR PEOPLE WHO SAYS THAT IT IS NOT CHANGING MUCH: A bongle number higher than 75 is recommended. Use turbowarp if it is too slow: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD / WHY THIS IS BETTER Bongo Translate, unlike other "Google Translate Ruiners," does NOT follow a predetermined route of translating, instead, it is random. This ensures a different laughable output every time! Also, unlike other "Google Translate Ruiners," Bongo Translate shows you the progress completed (not fake! see inside) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU GOT THE "FAIL" MESSAGE There are two causes for this message. 1. Google Translate could not translate (this is rare) 2. You have no internet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Q: What are the criteria for the starting text and the bongle number? A: The starting text must not be empty and the bongle must be a positive integer greater than 0. Q: What is a "bongle"? A: A bongle is equivalent to a translation (e.g. 100 bongles = 100 translations) Q: How do I change the final language? A: Press the flag, then the x key

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