spiffy pictures logo remake

spiffy pictures logo remake

by blblblrises

👁 39,979 ❤️ 132 ⭐ 132 🔄 597
Created: Feb 25, 2015 Last modified: Mar 31, 2015 Shared: Feb 25, 2015


all food goes to everyone


all i needed is a spiffy pictures image and a white dot in the middle of yellow. first take out your spiffy image. then, set the size to 300%. then repeatedly shrink and turn at the same time 20 times. point it in direction 90. wait 60 milisecons then copy the spiffy sprite to mak it look like its talking. then switch back and wait 30 milisecons then copy the smile, erase the right eye then draw it like this: > tomake it look like its winking 30 miliseconds again then i swich back to the smile

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