3D Minecraft raycaster V3.8   [#games]

3D Minecraft raycaster V3.8 [#games]

by maDU59_

👁 105,066 ❤️ 2,889 ⭐ 2,620 🔄 80
Created: Apr 26, 2022 Last modified: Oct 26, 2023 Shared: Jun 19, 2022


Thanks to @GonsanVI for a big part of the 3D rendering (Sadly, the tutorial I found wasn't working or maybe I'm just dumb), it uses raycasting to render the world. Thanks to @Idaill for some help on the menu Thanks to @TheGreenFlash for a big part of the particle rendering system Thanks to @AntoineTelgruc2 for the cactus 16x16 textures Thanks to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/319996699/ for a part of the perlin noise system (Used to generate the world) Thanks to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406678232/ by @-REX- for the pen text engine Thanks to https://vanillatweaks.net/ for all ideas and textures used in the "VanillaTweaks" setting tab All rights belong to Mojang Changelogs (All FPS values are from Turbowarp): V1.0 (06/19): Shared V1.1 (06/26): Optimized the sky a lot and shadows/reflection too! V1.2 (06/26): Removed some unused variables/lists and useless scripts, should be a bit faster V1.3 (06/26): Fixed a glitch in the inventory and added sounds when you break/place logs V1.4 (06/29): Added grey scale to the texture editor, shorter textures packs codes, textures packs codes retrocompatibility, sound optimization, now it displays the controls at the start V1.5 (07/02): Cool optimization, reduced lag caused when displaying inventory V1.6 (07/05): Adding blocks, thanks to @Idaill, now light emiting blocks are not affected by shadows, fixed a bug with the chunk loading system V1.7 (07/05): New thumbnail, removed leaves culling for optimization V1.8 (07/08): Big optimization , added FPS counter, removed the upscalling res, fixed a bug when you have your head into the water V1.9 (07/08): Some optimization (switched from hexa ARGB to normal ARGB and removed old and useless code), displaying redstone ins't laggy anymore, some redstone bug fixing! It's 25x faster than V1.0 and has still 14k blocks :D V1.9.1 (07/10): Added wide screen compatibility V2.0 (07/11): Made water rendering 3 time faster and removed water strange rendering V2.1 (07/11): +3~4 fps at res 6 (starting res on Turbowarp), added world generation display and made world generation faster, removed all unused variables, optimized high view... 15K blocks! V2.2 (07/11): Worked hard today! Fixed some strange bugs and added breaking animation to Survival mode, added music and some new sounds when placing/breaking V2.2.1 (07/12): Made reflection looking better, fixed bugs V2.3 (07/13): ADDED LIGHTINING! The first scratch minecraft game to have lightning like in the original! Some optimizations! Improved debug mode, +17k blocks and +9mo in total V2.4 (07/14): Changed ambient occlusion to make it lot more realistic, improved world loading (removed loading screen if it takes less than 2 frames), works again on Scratch (but really laggy) V2.5 (07/14): Added an invetory (not only hotbar and creative menu) and now you get the blocks you break in survival mode and the world doesn't reset when you press green flag :D V2.5.1 (07/14): Fixed "round rendering" in some case V2.5.2 (07/15): Removed useless things, fixed breaking time V2.6 (07/16): Added all tools :D V2.6.1 (07/16): Optimized ao and hotbar/controls display V2.7 (07/23): Added cactus, improved generation, fixed bugs in the menu, made hotbar semi-transparent, removed inventory black background V2.8 (07/23): Added in hand block display, bugs fixes, some optimization V2.9 (07/25): Added in hand item display, added sort of player shadow, added better wide screen support V3.0 (07/27): Optimization update :D V3.0.1 (07/28): fixed bugs with spruce leaves, optimization and bug fixing, fixed "wifi" redstone bug V3.1 (07/30): switched to the old water rendering cause it's nicer V3.1.1 (07/31): optimized redstone dust displaying and fixed some bugs with redstone dust displaying V3.2 (07/31): optimized redstone (I remade all the redstone system), removed redstone bug, improved survival breaking V3.2.1 (07/31): Fixed texture editor on native Scratch, removed 800 blocks and optimized V3.3 (08/01): Optimized a bit ambient occlusion, added rotating blocks (like furnaces can now face south or north... like in the real minecraft), fixed bugs, improved ladder placing V3.3.1 (08/04): Fixed TNT exploding without any reason V3.4 (08/04): Added some VanillaTweaks features! V3.5 (08/05): BIG optimization and added deltatime (only for the view), modified reflections V3.5.1 (08/05): Some minor optimizations V3.6 (08/06): Optimized far away blocks V3.7 (10/01): No crafting yet but new inventory tweaks (like real mc but space + left click = right click) + bug fixing V3.8 (11/19): Optimized ao #minecraft #3D #minecraft-3D #3Dminecraft #games #all #place #mine #craft #break #blocks #blocs @maDU59_ #scratch #raycasting #game #clouds #ILovePotatos #Narratormode #survival #creative #inventory #textures #saveminecraft #crafting


⚠️PLAY ON TURBOWARP!⚠️ https://turbowarp.org/681136341?turbo&hqpen Go here to share your texture packs: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/614266/?page=1#post-6414414 After 2 months of development and +14k blocks, V1.0 of Minecraft 3D is out! It's one of the most advanced 3D minecraft game on Scratch! Things that make it unique: -Ambient occlusion -Editable keybinds* -Texture packs* -Semi-working redstone* -TNTs!* -Falling sand* -Working and beautiful inventory* -Block in hand display!* -Commands!* -It has the best clouds for a minecraft game :) -Lens flare* -The lightning system* -Survival mode actually changing something to the gameplay -Some VanillaTweaks features* *first Scratch Minecraft game to have it Planned: -More commands -More blocks -Make a better survival mode -Crafts -World saving -Chests -Working furnaces -RGBA/hex input in the texture editor -Chests -Better mobile controls -OPTIMIZATION!

Project Details
