Koch curve with a Mandelbrot set formula

Koch curve with a Mandelbrot set formula

by PeaBrainProgram

👁 32,565 ❤️ 890 ⭐ 667 🔄 34
Created: Feb 20, 2015 Last modified: Aug 22, 2015 Shared: Feb 20, 2015


check out this project running in Javascript http://phosphorus.github.io/app.html?id=48815918&turbo=true&full-screen=true Thanks for 800+ likes. If you like fractals you can look at my other account @fractal_universe .


Please use turbo Click to zoom in press "e" to zoom out >-----------------------------------------MATH-------------------------------------------< The normal Mandelbrot set formula is written as Z´ = Z^2 + C. That means X´ = X^2 - Y^2 + C and Y´ = 2XY + C. Any Variations of this are for example the "burning ship"-fractal with X´ = abs(X^2 - Y^2 + C) and Y´ = abs(2XY + C) or the "perpendicular burning ship" with X´ = X^2 - Y^2 + C and Y´ = abs(2XY + C). Around the point -1;1 you can find lots of structures which look like the Koch curve. But there are lots of line on the false place. You can fix this little "bug" by render the perpendicular julia fractal with X´ = X^2 - Y^2 + 1 and Y´ = abs(2XY - 1). And with this little formula, you can make <-----------this fractal!

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