Super Scratch Bros Beta 4.0 with Mario

Super Scratch Bros Beta 4.0 with Mario

by christian77771

👁 5,719 ❤️ 75 ⭐ 73 🔄 9
Created: Jul 12, 2020 Last modified: Aug 13, 2022 Shared: Sep 24, 2020


I found an unused sprite for Mario in the game, so I made him a character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit to Nintendo and Hobson-TV ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATCH NOTES 6/18/22 -Made Neutral air 1 frame faster -Made Forward air more disjointed -New Down Air MOVESET [Neutral Air- Kick] A kick that has moderate knock-back and comes out fast. [Forward Air-Meteor punch] has decent knock-back, but is slow. can also meteor smash on the later hits. [Up Air-Super Jump Punch] Sends the opponent up and can hit multiple times. Also is used in recovery. [Down Air-Drill spin] A multi-hitting attack that sends downwards, albeit without much power. [Neutral ground attack-Weak uppercut] A fast uppercut that is pretty weak. Can combo into itself. [Side Ground Attack-Cape Spin] A multi-hitting attack that can be horizontally controlled. [Down ground Attack-Break Dance] A move that can be charged up for more power. Hits the front and then the back. [Special-Rocket Nozzle] Extremely high start up, but you have super armor during the start up. Then, releases a big blast with disastrous power, and then flies in the Air.


To navigate the menu and play, use the arrow keys to move, Z to select, and X to go back. Z = Attack X = Shield Z + X = Special Holding a direction while attacking changes what attack you will do. Each fighter has a neutral, side, up, & down attack. If you press Shield and Attack at the same time, you will do a Special attack (you can also press C in single player modes) Each fighter has one special attack. -You can press Down + Shield to taunt. You can also press V to taunt in 1-player modes. Press space to pause.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #318927435
Original Project
Project #318927435