Five Dank Nights At Memes 3 (DEMO #2)
by Schoolradi22
Thanks to @Cool_Awesomenes (@BUCKCLUCKFROMROBLOX) for starting this project. Unfortunately he moved to using his 2nd account, and I had to finish this. What to expect from full game: It will be split into 2 projects. The first one will contain 6 normal nights and 1 shadow mode night. The 2nd project will include 6 challenge mode nights (Note: Shadow mode and challenge mode are NOT the same thing.) There will be more enemies and each mode will contain different mechanics. Also expect 10 hours of loading the projects as they WILL be beeg.
Finally!!! After over a year, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is the 2nd demo. If you are using safari, then reload the page right after it finishes loading. Click the flag, wait around 10 seconds and click it again to reset all the variables in the project. Controls: While you are in the office, you can PRESS and HOLD the V key to look around. Press SPACE to put on/off a gas mask. Press the curtain on the window to fold/unfold it. Press the oven in your office to cook food. You can have 0-2 units of food. Number of units o food is represented by amount of green space on the oven. Animemetronics: Knucktrap: He will start on cam 1, he will then either proceed to cam 7 or go into the vents. From cameras 13 and 14 he can enter the roof. Phone guy explains all the ways to counter him. Phantom Doge: Phantom Doge will randomly Start walking from the right window to your office, when he goes down, open your camera or reboot systems Or you get jumpscared Phantom Shrek: You Can Close the Curtain in your office, use this so Knucktrap does not see you if he is by your left window, but don't keep it closed for too long, or Phantom shrek will start appearing, re open the curtain to make him go away, but if you keep it open for a long time, then he will jumpscare you. Phantom Pepe, Sometimes he might appear at the left of your office, if he's there, DON'T open the reboot systems and wait for him to leave. Phantom Sanic: He will appear at the right of your screen, if he's there DON'T put up the cameras Phantom Gabe: You have an amount of hunger, eat food so it does not go down, if it goes down, then he will jumpscare you. Phantom Weegee: at random, green gas might start appearing, if it does, then put on the gas mask, or he will jumpscare you. Phantom Proto: Sometimes he appears in a camera, if he does, then turn it off or change the Cam you are on or he jumpscares you. Phantom Spongegar: he might appear in one of your cameras, if he does close it or change the cams or he blocks your view for a short time Phantom Movie Sonic: He will randomly appear By your left window, he he does, he will make noise, make him go away by scaring him with the gas mask. Phantom Trollface: He will appear at the Power Room, flash a light in that room to scare him, he will mess with the doors and lights while he is there. Phan-Tom: He will randomly appear at your door, you will know when he appears when you hear his scream or see him with the door lights, close the door or he jumpscares you. Phantom Depsacito: he will start fading in at your door, he can be seen without the lights, flash the door lights to make him disappear, if he fully appears then he will jumpscare you. Phantom Creeper: on one of the cameras there is a music box, wind it or he jumpscares you. Phantom Beanos: He will download "beanos the game" on the cameras, click the download screen to make it go away, the cameras will break if it fully downloads. Phantom Undertale Doggo: He Will appear sometimes in the reboot systems, close it or he will jumpscare you.
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