Math image explorer zoom

Math image explorer zoom

by Hamuniii

👁 106 ❤️ 7 ⭐ 5 🔄 0
Created: Nov 25, 2020 Last modified: Nov 26, 2020 Shared: Nov 26, 2020


NOTE: The render option 4 is very different in this project! It is made to work well on slow-ish devices, such as my Chromebook. Right after moving your mouse, it starts to ONLY render the magnified area, until it has been rendered well enough, then it starts to render the whole image. WASD to move, Q and E to zoom. Hold space while zooming to zoom even faster. X to toggle FPS. R and T to put a fixed zoom, R is really far away and T is close. F to zoom into the magnifying circle, G to zoom out of there. Play this on turbowarp for much better performance (triple click the link and ctrl+c): Magnify 1 is actually 2x zoom. 0 doesn't do anything, -1 is red and doesn't work, but -2 mirrors the image. When moving away from the center, you'll eventually notice that the pixels start to stretch. This is becuase of the values will hold less decimals when they are bigger. It is not a bug.

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