Scratchroll - Rickroll in Scratch

Scratchroll - Rickroll in Scratch

by comp09

👁 7,399 ❤️ 1,937 ⭐ 1,711 🔄 52
Created: Feb 3, 2015 Last modified: Feb 17, 2019 Shared: Feb 3, 2015


WARNING: If your computer has less than 32 GB of RAM, you are advised to exit this page immediately. Scratch 3.0 currently has a severe memory usage issue with large numbers of costumes. Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up comes to Scratch! Rickroll your fellow scratchers without leaving the Scratch website! Watch the original on YouTube: Made possible by Kurt (, ffmpeg ( and a lot of not giving up. Please exercise caution when opening the costumes tab in the editor. Also, why did you click on the green flag? You just got self-trolled.

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