StarCraft RTS

StarCraft RTS

by sonsoscrach

👁 3,428 ❤️ 98 ⭐ 84 🔄 6
Created: Oct 19, 2020 Last modified: Jun 5, 2024 Shared: Apr 22, 2022


Music and Sprites are from Starcraft but I got the costumes for the buildings and troops here on scratch from by @halofancy12 I don't know why he has this project but i am glad he does. also thanks to @minimimi for the ground sprite in their Warcraft project If you find any sprites or costumes Let me know and I will give you a shout out Feel free to Advertise


-----------------------------IMPORTANT----------------------------------Trying out the Tutorial is HIGHLY recommended even if you have played Starcraft before. Mobile is Technically supported, using a Mouse is recommended. I recommend you play it on turbo warp... #get-turbowarp-unblocked ⭐ and ❤ if you want to see more :) For those who have played Starcraft there is no Supply Depot instead specific building produce Supply. Here is a link to a Tech Tree... These are the hotkeys used, please take a look they are very useful. A - Left screen D - Right screen C - Command Center Hotkey F- Select Multiple troops N- Attack B- Hold Position V - Move W - Menu Up S - Menu Down X - Back/Cancel Z - Hide Menu I-Siege Mode O-Cloak P-Place Spider Mine U-Yamato Gun K-Toggle Repair Q - Show Training list V- Build SCV G-Engineering Bay B-Barracks H-Academy R-Refinery F-Factory M-Armory T-Starport Y-Science Facility 1-Marine 2-Firebat 3-Ghost 4-Medic 5-Vulture 6-Siege Tank 7-Wraith 8-Valkyrie 9-Battlecruiser #games #Starcraft #rst #Blizzard #fun #difficult #sonso #sonsoscrach #scratch #turbowarp #computer #war #pen #lists #clones #Terran #craft #mouse #trending #all #nongeneric #sonsoscratch #hailhydra #strategy

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