Dynamic lighting on shiny pool balls

Dynamic lighting on shiny pool balls

by RobFarley74

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Created: Sep 10, 2020 Last modified: Sep 21, 2021 Shared: Sep 6, 2021


Originally this used clones and messages and looked a bit clunky. Updated to stamp the sprites and everything looks better and more solid now. Might update it again to have an unlimited amount of lights. Also having the lights as all part of the same mechanic will streamline the code into a loop rather than looking at light 1 then light 2 then light 3 and will allow me to do cleverer stuff with shadows and specular lighting. The ball graphics are by me, including all the shadows and specular stuff... The pool table is an internet find that I'll replace at some point soon. #games #animation


Just messing about... Combining the ball physics with some dynamic lighting effects to create an incredibly dull game of pool where nothing pots... You can however drag the lights around which is fun for a few minutes. Looks quite nice in HQ pen: https://turbowarp.org/424300132/fullscreen?hqpen

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