Miniraft v1.30.2 (Moblie Friendly)
-------------------------------Info-------------------------------- Multiplayer uses the same thing not using cloud. LAGGY! :( Miniraft Feedback: ===============Change Log=============== v1.9.0 Added multiplayer loading bar. v1.10.0 Added spruce tree v1.10.1 made spruce tree able to mine v1.11.0 Faster loading v1.11.1 Better mining v1.11.2 Fixed Better mining v1.11.3 Better mining for the tree v1.11.4 Fixed tree mining v1.11.5 Changed things to look correct v1.12.0 Added start up screen See what happens if you press stop v1.13.0 Made player look nice Added comments in the code to show the history and facts about the sprites Named the sprites to make out which one is which v1.14.0 Cleaned up the code Added hurt animation v1.14.1 Made player less red (hurt) v1.15.0 Zombie now has health, 6 health Added zombie hurt animation v1.16.0 Difficulty now functions Peaceful - zombie will wander but will not attack Normal - the zombie is out to get you, he can be push down but you might still take damage Difficulty now available on the pause menu Fixed player 1 on 2 player mode v1.16.1 Fixed Player Removed easter egg where you could move and die on the main menu also fixing a lot of bug by doing so v1.16.2 see v1.16.1 info v1.16.3/4 Cleaned code fixed bugs v1.16.5 Fixed bugs v1.16.6 Fixed zombie v1.17.0 Added pig v1.17.1 Added pig spawning and despawning v1.17.2 Pig is smaller v1.17.3 Fixed despawning Added zombie despawning (making it more hard) v1.17.4 Fixed Pig v1.18.0 Added day and night Zombie spawning changed to only night v1.18.1 Zombie burns in daylight Bug fixes v1.18.2 Zombie is less crazy v1.19.0 Added items v1.19.1 Fixed zombie in peaceful because he was attacking Fixed items v1.19.2 Items now give you the correct amount on singleplayer v1.19.3 Items will delete them selves if there are more then one Items will delete themselves after 5 minutes v1.19.4 PVP (Player vs Player) (who clicks a player using the mouse first) (not proper PVP) You will see in game v1.19.5 Fixed Bugs v1.19.6 PVP off look to PVP button v1.19.7 Fixed Bugs v1.19.8 Fixed Bugs v1.20.0 Added hunger system 6 hunger and saturation Saturation goes down by healing and jumping v1.20.1 Not hungry in peaceful You can eat in peaceful even at full saturation and hunger v1.20.2 Fixed pig v1.20.3 Fixed Player from being stuck v1.20.4/5 Fixed player 2 v1.21.0 switched player control's v1.21.1 Fixed player 1 v1.21.2 Fixed Health regenerating when dead v1.21.3 Fixed PVP resetting after playing singleplayer v1.21.4 Item Pickup time quicker v1.21.5 Fixed PVP resetting after playing singleplayer from working the opposite to how it was suppose to be v1.21.6 Fixed Player 2 death screen showing when making a new world v1.21.7/8 Fixed Player 1 v1.22.0 Added wood items Changed item despawn time from 5-2minutes to prevent lag Added Dirt and stone items B to place blocks and to not (not available until compete or development versions) v1.22.1 Items now give correct amount v1.22.2 Fixes and stuff to make things easier v1.23.0 Fully added blocks that you can place and fully added things from 1.22.2 v1.23.1 Better looking stuff v1.23.2 Build mode will look for grass first stone second v1.23.3 Blocks are no longer infinite v1.23.4 Placed blocks are solid v1.23.5/6/7/8/9 Fixed Bugs v1.24.0 Added Rotten Flesh does nothing much yet v1.24.1/2 Fixed things v1.24.3 Disabled build mode v1.25.0 Added sapling to plant trees (tree is always the same location) v1.25.1 Fixed a bug v1.25.2 Added tree growth so tree dose not grow in an instant v1.25.3 Reworked world gen to fix bugs v1.25.4/5/6 Fixed a bug v1.25.7 Fixed a thing v1.25.8 and mobile v1.3.0a Fixed world gen (not whoops) Made mobile control's see through v1.25.9 Fixed world gen Items delete themselves after tree is destroyed v1.25.10 Actually Fixed world gen completely v1.25.11 Inventory closes in menu v1.25.12 Moved version v1.25.13 (v1.0.0b Mobile) Mobile and computer option in game! v1.25.13 Updated version v1.0.1b (Mobile) Inventory fixed v1.0.2b (Mobile) Fixed mobile jump v1.25.14 (v1.0.3b Mobile) Fixed bugs v1.25.15 Fixed Bugs v1.25.16/17 Fixed Bugs v1.25.18/19 Less flashes v1.26.0 Rotten flesh edible but not the best v1.26.1 Fixed Major Bugs Mobile controls for hunger updated for v1.26.0 v1.26.2 Pig moves more v1.26.3 Pig is less like the zombie v1.26.4 Change Log in game click to close Pig jumps different v1.26.5 Pig jumps less More info on change log so you can close it v1.26.6 Pig jumps quicker v1.26.7 Fixed being pushed by the pig and items v1.26.8 Change log button to check the change log again v1.26.9 Changes to how the inventory button works v1.26.10 Fixed Pig AI More Change Logs in: ------------------------------------------------------------
Remake of Miniraft: (Original Remade) (Coming soon... Not) ---------------------------Controls--------------------------- - Player one uses buttons on the left - Player two uses buttons on the right - Player one can use a w d - Player two can use arrow keys - F for player 1 to eat or food button on the left - L for player 2 to eat or food button on the right - B to toggle block placing or build button ===============Change Log=============== v1.7.0 Added birch tree Fixed Player 2 again v1.7.1 Fixed tree v1.7.2 Inventory - I v1.8.0 Better looking player v1.8.1 Fixed movement v1.8.2 Fixed Player v1.8.3 Fixed player 2 from not respawning Renamed Main respawn button v1.8.4 Fixed player again again ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The system for placing blocks is a bit weird - Lagging? Try:
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