House of Cards

House of Cards

by Layzej

👁 4,692 ❤️ 210 ⭐ 159 🔄 1
Created: Dec 2, 2016 Last modified: Dec 9, 2016 Shared: Dec 9, 2016


Uses @DadOfMrLog's 3D engine - updated to handle 1 bit images. More of the 3D engine in this studio: ********************************************


RIGHT and LEFT arrows to see a new pattern. You can create your own patterns from the Structures sprite using the following blocks: Create new Target State - will create a new state where the cards are scattered about the ground. Use the right and left arrows to get to your new state. Replace Target State for pattern (3) card (1 through 10) - will move and rotate your card to the specified position. change target state for pattern (3) card (1 through 10) - will move and rotate your card by the specified amount.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #11471613
Original Project
Project #11471613