3D graphing calculator

3D graphing calculator

by 52525rr

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Created: Feb 29, 2024 Last modified: Mar 1, 2024 Shared: Feb 29, 2024


use this link for much faster rendering https://turbowarp.org/973800483/ ============ another dimension to play around with, finally. a few example graphs: simple plane: x+y+z=0 sphere: x*x+y*y+z*z=2 donut: sqrt((sqrt(x*x+y*y)-1)^2+z*z)-0.5=0 heart: x^2 + 9/4*y^2 + z^2 - 1 - z*cbrt(x^2+9/200*y^2) = 0 ============== to use, just input an equation that uses the parameters X Y and Z as different points on the graph. the Z axis is upwards. hold down and move the mouse to change the camera orientation. the range buttons change the zoom of the cube. the plot will extend from -range to +range in all directions. the resolution buttons change the resolution of the graph. higher means more quality but also may be slower to render. any part of the plot outside of the cube will be clipped off. this project uses the marching cubes algorithm to render a mesh of an equation. it essentially divides the space into tiny cubes and tries to guess where the boundary of the mesh will be. the more cubes, the more accuracy the mesh can be rendered with. read about it more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_cubes the functions that are usable are the scratch math operator blocks plus an extra "cbrt" (cube root) function that i added. the variables X Y and Z are also usable ofc.

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