by DoorsLover14

👁 50 ❤️ 3 ⭐ 2 🔄 0
Created: May 8, 2023 Last modified: Sep 10, 2023 Shared: May 8, 2023


credits to @loosh24Ge for assets #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms #rooms


4th reupload of expanded rooms DO NOT PLAY IF YOURE YOUNG GREEN FLAG 2 TIMES https://turbowarp.org/847300645 PLEASE CLICK OFF THE PROJECT IF YOU THINK IT'S TOO SCARY INSTEAD OF REPORTING IT. -WARNING- This project contains flashing lights, epilepsy which causes you to have seizures and scary stuff. If you don't like any of those things, then please click off the project. another rooms fangame i made Inspired by Interminable Rooms & Expanded Rooms. There is no checkpoint when you reach the I section. If I unshare this project, then that means there's an update. If there are any bugs in this project, then tell me what the bug is.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #846366998
Original Project
Project #846366998