Scratch Paint Online! Infinite Players!

Scratch Paint Online! Infinite Players!

by bigbonesjones_tutor

👁 46 ❤️ 2 ⭐ 2 🔄 0
Created: Apr 3, 2023 Last modified: May 5, 2023 Shared: Apr 3, 2023


The whole painting is a single cloud variable 256 numbers long. with 10 colors, any number 0-9 is the color of that spot! 16x16 makes a perfect 256! (the limit for one cloud variable) (no encoding necessary) technically you could use 9 cloud variables together to make it 48x48 instead the same way! maybe next time! Note: a 256 long decimal number can hold 10^256 states, if each number 0-9 directly can directly represent 4 bits of binary, you could technically encode 1024 bits of binary in a encoded 256 long decimal number. 2^1024 is a lot of data so this could be improved a lot if encoded further, but would probably run slower.


EVERYONE controls the same canvas! Anything you draw can be seen live in real time! anyone can edit! the whole 16x16 10 color image is a single cloud variable you all share! When you let go of mouse your input is sent to the server instantly! (must be full scratcher to paint) TURBOWARP BOARD:

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