Maze Generator v1.4

Maze Generator v1.4

by MistaLOD

👁 75 ❤️ 9 ⭐ 5 🔄 0
Created: Mar 3, 2023 Last modified: Nov 17, 2024 Shared: Mar 3, 2023


Big thanks to "Mazes for Programmers" for insight as to how maze generation works. I will be adding more algorithms when I can, and possibly some pathfinding (so you can see the solution). There are currently 4 algorithms: Binary Tree, Hunt-and-Kill, Recursive Backtracker, and Wilson.


Click the buttons to generate mazes of that size. 150x150 is EXTREMELY SLOW, so be prepared for some lag when generating at that size. You can generate it quickly or slowly. FAST will generate the maze as fast as possible while SLOW will slow it down enough to maybe see how it works. The button on the bottom is the algorithm that's used to generate the maze.

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