

by WingDingWarrior89

👁 310,807 ❤️ 8,845 ⭐ 6,948 🔄 461
Created: Feb 18, 2023 Last modified: Mar 24, 2024 Shared: Mar 5, 2023


Thank you scratch team for featured!!! Essentially, the game is my fun little tribute to Hollow Knight and the Muffet fight from Undertale. I also did my fair share of research for this game, too, and even watched videos about how cockroaches move for one of the enemies! All in all, I put lots of effort into this game and I hope you like it! Enjoy! Thanks to @Blobert_The_Slime for Maurice's name! Congrats @XxxfirefoxyGirl for getting a score of 248 and filling up the entire leaderboard cloud variable -_- Song: Bootlegger Boogie from Cuphead by Kristofer Maddigan (this song plays while you're fighting against a gang of bugs in Cuphead, so I thought it would be rather fitting here!) #games #animation #all


No advertising, please! Move with ARROW KEYS or WASD Mosquitos, Roaches, and spiky vines will cause you to fall off your rope. SHIELDS will give you invulnerability for a short period of time. Press SPACE to skip the opening cutscene and get right into it! Tell me your score in the comments! The opening works better if you don't watch it in full screen, just like every other animation on scratch. Tell me if you have any suggestions about what you want to be put in the game. A menu? New game modes? If you people want it, and it sounds like a good feature, I'Il gladly add it!

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