☁cloud multiplayer shooter V.2

☁cloud multiplayer shooter V.2

by Melvinnoob

👁 149 ❤️ 13 ⭐ 11 🔄 0
Created: Feb 12, 2023 Last modified: Jan 27, 2024 Shared: Feb 26, 2023


This is Version 2 of my cloud multiplayer shooter. i fix huge amount of bugs and add some more feature like: points won't decrease randomly, bullet position, points now show differently, maybe more smooth, added leaderboard and more there is still a lot of room to improve, but i hope you enjoy :) only scratcher can play online, if you are not a scratcher or not sign in, then go to the link below. https://turbowarp.org/802930123 credits: @griffpatch for the joystick tutorial. and also some art i got inspired by @adazem009 feature in this game: -very smooth movement compare to my other cloud project. -smooth update of direction. -smooth bullet -a score system that you can see each other point. -5 types of gun to change -more than 200 asset (like 230 asset) this shooter game is ☁ multiplayer and up to 8 player, your goal is to get point by killing other player, yep and there is a heath beneath the screen, i work this project so hard so please like and fav for more and don't forget to follow me!!!plz =====note-=====important!!! if there is no player then you can invite your friend in this map plz


simple instruction: .press space at the beginning to switch to pc or mobile mode. .in pc or computer mode, you use arrow key or wasd to move. .press 1-5 to switch weapon. in mobile mode: .use the joystick .there is a weapon list to choose weapon .and most importantly, click to shoot ========================================= oh, and there is a bonus system, you can get shield, run, and heal, all of that a save or upload to scratch cloud data.

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