3D Renderer

3D Renderer

by 09878901234321

👁 162 ❤️ 14 ⭐ 14 🔄 0
Created: Dec 6, 2022 Last modified: Jun 16, 2023 Shared: Dec 18, 2022


You'll regret it if you run this on scratch, run it on TurboWarp: https://turbowarp.org/772943538?hqpen&fps=60 It's my first attempt at a 3D renderer so it's slow. If you import your own models from blender you need to use the triangulate modifier. You can simply change the file extension from .obj to .txt and import the object into the OBJ list. You can have 22222 (yes that is the real number) polygons before exceeding the list limit. It uses roughly the same camera pos and rotation as the blender camera default. Uses this OBJ file importer: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/381431861 Uses this 3D Model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-head-6b6a762bd8b34b6d9d46d44129b55037

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