Shape Rounder

Shape Rounder

by adeoguntechno

👁 182 ❤️ 15 ⭐ 13 🔄 0
Created: Nov 25, 2022 Last modified: Jan 16, 2023 Shared: Dec 1, 2022


All scripting by me! Better quality:


Welcome to this test of a shape rounding script! This contains easy-to-edit code which can be moved to a new project if wanted, and can run extremely quickly for complex projects. You can click space to proceed to the next object to round. As you can see, this code can round objects, but is worse with text. Size Difference Optimization can make objects retain their size when being rounded, but can result in complete transformations of some objects. In the "Hello World" example, you can visually see the lag as you set the round amount to the max. You can also see that Timothy the Triangle can retain his beautiful facial expression when he is rounded.

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