children of the ink chapter 1 v1.4

children of the ink chapter 1 v1.4

by stitch_shoo

👁 566 ❤️ 34 ⭐ 31 🔄 0
Created: Nov 3, 2022 Last modified: May 11, 2023 Shared: Nov 3, 2022


WARNING: this is a horror game all code is original from me and not inspired or tutorial'd by others, feel free to use any systems as long as you credit this is the demo/chapter one for my Bendy fan game i originally released it because i was bored of waiting for bendy and the dark revival and designed to work on my own fan squeal for fun. but now its being released in the 15 November 2022 so perfect timing for me to finish XD all assets are owned by Joey drew studios thank you: theteamsuperior for getting me to actually make the notes system audio is either owned by joey drew studios or is cc0 licence #games


WASD to move Mouse pointer to look E to interact LMB to attack F to open notebook V1.0 3Nov 2022 release V1.1 25Nov to do list added a few bug fixes v1.2 26Nov voice audio v1.3 26Nov bug fixes V1.4 16 Dec bug fixes 'visual upgrade' press '.' to look behind the scenes if you your computer struggles to run this try: or if you want to get the application here: blob:

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