Make Your Own Glove In Slap Battles

Make Your Own Glove In Slap Battles

by moneyman2222

👁 28,689 ❤️ 643 ⭐ 583 🔄 2,560
Created: Oct 11, 2022 Last modified: Dec 12, 2024 Shared: Oct 11, 2022


NEXT REMIX GOAL: 2600 YEAYEHAEHA 2.5K!!! NEXT VIEWS GOAL: 29000! FINALLY!!!! 25K!!!! NEXT LIKES GOAL: 650! NEXT FAVORITES GOAL: 600! NOTE TO EVERYBODY: (READ) All advertisements will be deleted and will be reported ----------------------------------------------------------------- I will be making a Slap Battles game where I add many of your glove ideas to the game, where you can test them out along with a bunch of normal gloves with the bots. Look out for it! Over 2,500 remixes! Let’s see if we can get up to 3,000! Credits to @UnknownSeries for inspiration Tags: #Slapbattle #slapbattles #slap battle #slap battles #slap-battle #slap-battles glove make your own gloves myog sb roblox game games all everything something nothing q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m %15 griffpatch cool trending qwerty yuiop qwertyuiop ppman52 common uncommon rare epic legendary mythical badge HD Admin videogame videogames Very rare rarity premium Description badge required slaps required slap sound ability sound noise #slap-battles #hand #music #tutorials #getviews #views #scratch #scratch-cat #art #tutorial #games #platformer #platformers #parkour #parkours #easy #hard #impossible #trending #amongus #minecraft #recommended #all Remixers (I just started scrolling through all the remixes and writing down the usernames): @moneyman2222 @ppman52 @__-Sync-__ @fatnub123 @SAP1704 @Cup7300 @nateiscool0727 @eieKong @BULE_SANS @L4wr3nc3G4m1ng @inksans_808 @SCP-087-B-Stairwell @qwertyuxcv @snake2364 @RoastyToastyToast @selever_phantom @mnkesg_16 @StefanMIX @Mumbo948 @Depairon1 @rdrobot Rdrobot Landen123444 daisyflex moneyman2222 monkestronk


Wow! This is the MOST POPULAR game for Slap Battles! GUYSGUYSGUYS LOOK NEW PROJECT: I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT OVER 2,000 REMIXES!!!!!!! This is currently in 76 different studios brrr :/ Remix and add your own custom glove! Add yourself fighting with your custom glove here: Do not add really loud sounds and be appropriate If you make a glove, you can put an ‘X’ through either slaps required or badge required

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