ADOFAI All 16 Extra Worlds (the Xas update)

ADOFAI All 16 Extra Worlds (the Xas update)

by lifehaxmax88

👁 18,604 ❤️ 150 ⭐ 147 🔄 81
Created: Sep 15, 2022 Last modified: Sep 4, 2024 Shared: Sep 16, 2022


rehehehehehehehehe 1000 views as of 12/10/22 i think 12/19-20/22: mInOr BuGfIxEs AnD iMpRoVeMeNtS 12/23/22: added world XI, an absolute beast that has 1324 tiles, 152 swirls, and 4 minutes of length (and that's just XI-X!) 12/24/22: fixed and broke final hope at the same time 2/10/23: this is now my second-most viewed project, the first being the main levels. 4/19/23: past 3k. Not sure exactly when that happened bc I've been working on Jump Out. 2/28/24: made the list of keys show/hide when you click options, so you can tell what you're setting the stomp bind to 2/29/24: tried to fix swirls, failed 3/3/24: put swirls back how they were, sorry for the wait 4/17/24: fixed bpm of XI-X It Go; added blank sprite with the intention to reduce lag. I don't think it'll work. 4/18/24: fixed swirls (thanks @BlueRocket45) and cleaned up the start of XH-X Final Hope. 8/14/24: added world XS. The only video currently on youtube that has anything to do with that world has obnoxious hit sounds, but again, it's the only one. Thanks, cam_2. 8/15/24: adjusted slider range. It is now possible to navigate to world XI without beating options (sorry i just noticed) I had also missed the elevator y offsets list. also 8/15/24: added a single 180º tile to It Go, fixing a few small things in the level along the way. night of 9/3/24: adjusted bpms in world XS (still guessing, since no wiki seems to know what they are for the tutorials)


XF, XC, XH, XR, XN, XM, XS, PA, RJ, MN, ML, MO, B, XO, XT, XI 4, 10, 14, 18, 22, 27, 36, 38, 46, 51, 59, 63, 65, 68, 77, 85 THIS PROJECT IS MUCH BETTER ON TURBOWARP: Press any button at the correct rhythm to follow the path (and the music)! if you're having issues with timing, make sure you use the turbowarp link, disable high quality pen if you still have lag, and if timing is off, click the options sprite to adjust audio latency until the timing is correct.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #717127768
Original Project
Project #511996585

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