ScratchGL - Spinning Textured Models

ScratchGL - Spinning Textured Models

by Zandgall

👁 22 ❤️ 3 ⭐ 2 🔄 0
Created: Sep 14, 2022 Last modified: Sep 17, 2022 Shared: Sep 17, 2022


Based highly off the actual function of OpenGL


Fully operational 3D rasterizer with depth, texturing, and the ability to load and use any model. Texture filtering displays smoother-looking textures at the cost of performance (better visible with the cube's texture) Default FOV of 30 is recommended, but you can turn it up or down Lower FOVs are slower as it makes the cube appear bigger in the viewport, whereas higher FOVs are faster as they make the cube appear smaller FPS is displayed at the bottom left corner Runs around 30fps (for me) on It doesn't seem like there's any speed difference between normal and turbo mode on Scratch however

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