Mini-Python - Run python 3 commands in scratch

Mini-Python - Run python 3 commands in scratch

by minetester

👁 101 ❤️ 11 ⭐ 8 🔄 0
Created: Sep 11, 2022 Last modified: Sep 16, 2022 Shared: Sep 15, 2022


Here is the official Mini-Python Discussion topic: -Thumbnail images are from google.


Welcome to Mini-Python, a program for new python developers. If you're not new to python, don't say this is too simple, too easy, and hardly any commands, because I am telling you now, this is for python beginners. --------------------------INSTRUCTIONS---------------------------- ---------------------------SERVERS-------------------------- Making servers is a lot different then making servers in in python. It is a lot simpler, which makes the servers simpler too... To make a server you first have to use the command "import cloud". Then input the command "cloud.server(SERVER NAME HERE)". I would recommend making the server be only one word, but you can just make it be something like "an_example_server". To view other servers use the command "servers()" some valid server words are: cute, the, is, server, test, 10, floor. If a server that is something like "the_server", and it doesn't accept it, try one word. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Printing----------------------------- use the normal python command "print("PRINT THIS")" to print things. You cannot print variables such as "x = 100 print(x)", or things like "x = 100 print("here is x:", x)" though. -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------Variables---------------------------- Normal variables... Use the normal python 3 commands, such as "x = 100" or "my favorite food = pizza". ------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ( \ ) ) ( ( . - ‘ ’ ‘ ’ - . A . - . A \ \/ \/ , , \ \ \ = ; t /= \ | ‘ ’ ‘ ’ . ‘ , – ’ / / / | | | / _ , ) ) | _, ) ) I hope you enjoyed my python console simulator! If I get 100 loves I will add more commands, So please love, favorite, and follow! Thanks! :D #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art #Python #Cool #Games #All #Trending #Coding #Art

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